Health has been at the centre of human concern since ancient times. Civilisations developed and perished due to wars, conflicts and raging diseases, which left none untouched, save those whose health was taken care of by an organized system. Ancient civilisations that developed in Indus valley, Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia had fairly advanced health systems for their times and the medical practitioners enjoyed a high status in the society due to their practice.
Two renowned medical systems developed in India in ancient times; Ayurveda and Siddha, which were quite similar in concept and practice. Indian systems sought knowledge by which life could be prolonged and some of the popular medical treatises of those times were the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita.
The practice of medicine has come a long way since the time of magic, religion and supernatural thoughts to a modern science following evidence-based practice with a range of services extending from preventive, promotive, curative to rehabilitative offered to the individual and community.
Health is defined as," a dynamic state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO)
Health Care
Health care is defined as," multitude of services rendered to individuals, families or communities by the agents of the health services or professions for the purpose of promoting , preventing, maintaining, monitoring or restoring health." (OXFORD DICTIONARY)
A set of interrelated and independent parts designed to achieve a set of goals.
Health care delivery system is a system in which the services related to health care delivered to the target population.
Health care delivery system is an integral part of the government, responsible to central authority and interrelated in its activities with a general conduct to governmental affairs
Health System
Health system covers a whole extent of health activities, health programmes, institutions providing medical care such as hospitals, clinics and primary health care centres and the policies enunciated by governments to provide optimal health care for its citizens.
In general health system defines as "Complex of facilities, organizations, and trained personnel engaged in providing health care within a geographical area."
Health System as described by WHO is the "sum total of all the organisations, institutions and resources whose primary purpose is to improve health."
Health systems should be accessible, efficient, affordable and of a good quality.
Health systems usually include the following -
Development of health policies, plan for their implementation and development of a system of regulation of health services.
Define and develop the institutional framework to deliver the health services within the purview of this system.
Allocate and mobilise financial and human resources for its functioning.
Plan, manage and deliver the health services.
aim of Health systems
Ultimately aim of Health systems is to improve, maintain and restore the health status of the community at a cost that an individual and the community can afford to spend without substantial change in their financial status.
Goals of Health care System
A health system has to provide for much more than routine delivery of services. It has to protect the health of its community, treat them with dignity and ensure that it responds fairly to the expectations of the population. The WHO has thus identified three overall goals for the health systems to be -
Effective in contributing to better health throughout the entire population.
Responsive to people's expectations, including safeguarding patient's dignity, confidentiality and autonomy and being sensitive to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of all population groups.
Fair in how individuals contribute to funding the system so that everyone has access to the services available and is protected against potentially impoverishing levels of spending.
functions Health System
Health care systems fulfill three main functions:
Health care delivery,
Fair treatment to all, and
Meeting non health expectations of the population
Determinants of Health System
Forces influence the Health System
New emerging diseases,
Changing disease profile,
Technical and diagnostic advances,
Longevity of life,
Expectations of people,
Subsidies and cross-subsidies
Increasing non-plan expenditure,
Competing priorities and
Improving awareness among people, and
Rising Cost of health care delivery
Early history
India is one of the ancient civilizations of the Indus valley. The excavations in the Indus valley especially Harappa and Mohenjodaro showed planned cities with drainage, house and public baths built of baked bricks suggesting the practice of environmental sanitation in 3000 B C. The art of Health Care in India can be traced back nearly 3500 years, when India was invaded by Aryans, Ayurveda and siddha systems of medicine came into existence.
The hospital system was developed during the rule of Emperor Ashoka (third century BCE), schools of learning in the healing arts were created. Many valuable herbs and medicinal combinations were created. Even today many of these continue to be used.
The Emperor Ashoka was the first leader in world history to attempt to give health care to all of his citizens, thus it was the India of antiquity which was the first state to give its citizens national health care. There were hospitals not only for people but also for animals.
During the eleventh century The Arabic system known as "Unani" was introduced in India by the Arabs and Persians.
Pre independence Era
The British had established their rule in India in 1757. A Royal Commission was appointed to investigate the causes of the extremely unsatisfactory condition of health in the British army stationed in India. The commission pointed out the need for the protection of water supplies, construction of drains and prevention of epidemics in civil population for safeguarding the health of the British army.
An epidemic of plague in 1896 awakened the government to the urgent need of improving public health. The All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, was established in Calcutta with aid from the Rockefeller foundation. The Health survey and Development Committee (Bhore Committee) was appointed by the government of India to survey the existing position in regard to health conditions and health organization in the country and to make recommendations for the future development. In 1946 the Bhore committee recommended a short term and long-term programme for the attainment of reasonable health services based on concept of modern health practice.
Post-independence Era
India became independent in 1947 with new concept of establishing a welfare state. The burden of improving the health of people and widening the scope of health measures fell upon the center and states. Government appointed various committees for health analysis in the country.
The Alma Ata deceleration of 1978 launched concept of "Health for All 2000 A.D." and introduced the concept of primary health care. It was totally state's responsibility to provide primary health care to the people and led to the formulation of the first National Health Policy.
In 1983, 1st National Health Policy was introduced. The major goals of the policy was to provide universal, comprehensive primary health services and articulated the need to encourage private initiative in health care service delivery.
1980-90 the period of Neoliberal economic and health sector reform that were aimed at increasing the importance of the private sector and desire to utilize private sector resources for addressing public health goals, and Liberalization of insurance sector to provide health financing system.
In the year of 2000, the national population policy (NPP) was announced to address the unmet need of contraception, health care infrastructure, and health personnel, and to provide integrated delivery for basis reproductive and child care services.
Near 20 years after the first health policy, the 2nd National Health Policy was introduced in 2002. The NPH was set a new policy framework to achieve public health goals by the increasing access to the decentralized public health system by establishing new infrastructure indifferent area and upgrading the infrastructure of existing institutions.
Recently in 2005, The Government of India has launched the National Rural Health Mission with the goal of improving the availability of and access to quality health care by people, especially for rural areas. NRHM provide great strength to the rural health care delivery system.
Most recently in 2007, telemedicine and the medical tourism were introduced in the health care system of India.
The challenge that exists today in many countries is to reach the whole population with adequate health care services and to ensure their utilization. For that the numerous models have been developed for the delivery of health care services. One of the simplest model is –

The" inputs" are the health status or health problems of the community; they represent the health needs and health demands of the community. Since sources are always limited to meet the many health needs, priorities have to be set.
The "health care services" are designed to meet the health needs of the community through the use of available knowledge and resources. The services provided should be comprehensive and community-based.
The "health care system" is intended to deliver the health care services; it constitutes the management sector and involves organizational matters.
The final outcome or output is the changed health status or improved health status of the community which is expressed in terms of lives saved, deaths averted, diseases prevented, etc.
Organization & administration of health system in india
Health administration is the science of the organizing and coordinating government agencies whose purpose is to improve the physical, mental and social well-being of the people of the country. It is a part of the public administration.
India is a Union of 28 States and 7 Union territories. Under the Constitution of India, the States are largely independent in matters relating to the delivery of health care to the people. Each State has developed own system of health care delivery, independent of the Central Government.
The Central responsibility of an organization of policy making, planning, guiding, assisting, evaluating, and coordinating the work of the State Health Ministries, so that health services cover every part of the country, In order to achieve the goal to "Health for All – 2020". Health administration governed in India at 4 levels -
National level (Central level)
State level
District level
community level
CENTRE level Health Care Administration
The official "organs" of the health system at the national level consist of:
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare;
The Directorate General of Health Services; and
The Central Council of Health and Family Welfare
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is headed by a Cabinet Minister, a Minister of State and a Deputy Health Minister. The Union Ministry has three departments-
Departments of health
Departments of family welfare
Departments of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H)

The functions of the Union Health Ministry are set out in the seventh schedule of Article 246 of the Constitution of India under
The Union list and
The Concurrent list
Union list
The functions given in the Union list are:
International health relations and administration of port quarantine
Administration of central institutes such as the All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata; National Institute for the Control of Communicable Diseases, Delhi, etc.
Promotion of research through research centers and other bodies
Regulation and development of medical, pharmaceutical, dental and nursing professions
Establishment and maintenance of drug standards
Census, and collection and publication of other statistical data
Immigration and emigration
Regulation of labour in the working of mines and oil fields and
Coordination with States and with other ministries for promotion of health.
Concurrent list
The functions listed under the concurrent list are the responsibility of both the Union and State governments.
The concurrent list includes:
Prevention of communicable diseases
Prevention of adulteration of foodstuffs
Control of drugs and poisons
Vital statistics
Labour welfare
Ports other than major
Economic and social planning, and
Population control and Family Planning
The functions of the Department of Medical & Public Health are –
Health Policy preparation
National Health Programs conduction
Drug Control
PFA enforcement
Diseases control-
Supplies & Disposal Maintenance
CME & Trainings
Medical Education & Research
Vital statistics & Health intelligence
International support
The functions of the Department of Family Welfare are –
Policy preparation & Planning
Information collection & Evaluation
Contraceptive-Research /Supply
Seeking International support for Family Welfare
EPI/UIP/CSSM/RCH/ARI/ORT-Trainings & area development
Maternal and Child Health Services.
IEC - Information, Education and Communication.
Rural Health Services
Paraprofessional training
NGO support
Development of Sub-center
The functions of the Department of IMS&H are –
Upgrade the educational standards in the Indian Systems of Medicines and Homoeopathy colleges in the country;
Strengthen existing research institutions and ensure a time-bound research programme on identified diseases for which these systems have an effective treatment;
Draw up schemes for promotion, cultivation and regeneration of medicinal plants used in these systems;
Evolve Pharmacopoeial standards for Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy drugs
The Directorate General of Health Services

Directorate General of Health Services [DGHS] is the principal adviser for the Union Govt. in both medical and public health matters. He is assisted by additional director, a team of deputies and a large administrative staff. It comprises of three units – medical care and hospital, public health and general health.
The general functions are surveys, planning, coordination, programming and appraisal of all health matters in the country.
The specific functions are -
International health relations and quarantine: All the major ports in the country and international air ports are directly controlled by the Directorate General of Health Services. All matters relating to the obtaining of assistance from International agencies and the coordination of their activities in the country are undertaken by the Directorate General of Health Services.
Control of drug standards: The DGHS is headed by the Drugs Controller. Its primary function is to lay down and enforce standards and control the manufacture and distribution of drugs through both Central and State Government Officers.
Medical store depots: The Union Government runs medical store depots. These depots supply the civil medical requirements of the Central Government and of the various State Governments. These depots also handle supplies from foreign agencies. The Medical Stores Organization endeavors to ensure the highest quality, cheaper bargain and prompt supplies.
Post graduate training: The DGHS is responsible for the administration of national institutes, which also provide post-graduate training to different categories of health personnel.
Medical education: The Central Directorate is directly in charge of the following medical colleges in India: the Lady Harding, the Maulana Azad and the medical colleges at Pondicherry, and Goa. Besides these, there are many medical colleges in the country which are guided and supported by the Centre.
Medical Research: Medical Research in the country is organised largely through the Indian Council of Medical Research, founded in 1911 in New Delhi. The funds of the Council are wholly derived from the budget of the Union Ministry of Health.
Central Govt. Health Scheme
National Health Programmes: Health programmes of this kind can hardly succeed without the help of the Central Government. The Central Directorate plays a very important part in planning, guiding and coordinating all the national health programmes in the country.
Central Health Education Bureau: An outstanding activity of this Bureau is the preparation of education material for creating health awareness among the people. The Bureau offers training courses in health education to different categories of health workers.
Health Intelligence: The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence was established in 1961 to centralize collection, compilation, analysis, evaluation and dissemination of all information on health statistics for the nation as a whole. It disseminates epidemic intelligence to States and international bodies. The Bureau has an Epidemiological Unit, a Health Economics Unit, a National Morbidity Survey Unit and a Manpower Cell.
National Medical Library: The Central Medical Library of the Directorate General Health Services was declared the National Medical Library in 1966. The aim is to help in the advancement of medical, health and related sciences by collection, dissemination and exchange of information.
Central Council of Health
The Central Council of Health was set up by a Presidential Order on 9 August, 1952 under Article 263 of the Constitution of India for continuous consultation, mutual understanding and cooperation between the Centre and the States in the implementation of all the programmes and measures pertaining to the health of the nation.
The Union Health Minister is the Chairman and the State Health Ministers are the members.
The functions of the Central Council of Health are:
To consider and recommend broad outlines of policy in regard to matters concerning health in all its aspects such as the provision of remedial and preventive care, environmental hygiene, nutrition, health education and the promotion of facilities for training and research.
To make proposals for legislation in fields of activity relating to medical and public health matters and to lay down the pattern of development for the country as a whole.
To make recommendations to the Central Government regarding distribution of available grants-in-aid for health purposes to the States and to review periodically the work accomplished in different areas through the utilization of these grants-in-aid.
To establish any organisation or organizations invested with appropriate functions for promoting and maintaining cooperation between the Central and State Health administrations
STATE level Health Care Administration
Organizational structure at the state level is on the similar pattern as that as that as the central level. Health being a state subject, the state govt. has autonomy in dealing with health matters.
At present there are 28 States in India, with each state having its own health administration.

State Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
The State Ministry of Health is headed by a Minister of Health and Family Welfare and a Deputy Minister of Health and Family Welfare. These are political appointments and they are elected members of legislative assembly.
They have political responsibilities, responsibilities towards their constituencies as per their political agenda, and responsibilities for administration and management of Health and Family Welfare services in their state.
Health Secretariat
The State Health and Family Welfare Minister is assisted for all administrative aspects of health care by the Health Secretariat, that is the official organ of his Ministry.
The Health Secretariat is headed by the secretary who is assisted by Additional, Deputy and Assistant Secretaries and other hierarchy of administrative staff.
The major functions which are performed by the secretariat include helping minister in:-
Formulation, review and modification of broad policy outlines.
Execution of policies programmes etc.
Coordination with Government of India and other state Governments.
Control for smooth and efficient functioning of administrative machinery.
State Health Directorate
The State Health Directorate is the technical wing of state Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Before independence, the Medical and Public Health Services at the State level like at the Centre were also administered by two separate departments headed by surgeon General and Inspector General of civil hospitals and Director of Public Health Services respectively.
After independence these two departments medical health and public health were integrated into State Directorate of Health Services as recommended by Dr. Bhore committee report in 1946.
State Health Directorate is headed by Director of health services. In some States he is designated as Director of Health and Family Welfare.
He is the chief technical advisor to the stale Government on all matters of Medical, Public Health and Family welfare.
He is assisted by a number of Deputy and Assistant Directors to plan and provide health care services to meet health care needs of the State as per Govt. health policy.
The Deputy and Assistant Directors of Health may be of two types - regional and functional. The Regional Directors inspect all the branches of public health within their jurisdiction, irrespective of their specialty. The Functional Directors are usually specialists in a particular branch of public health such as mother and child health, family planning, nutrition, tuberculosis, leprosy, health education etc.
It studies in department of the health problem and need of the state and planning for health services in the state.
Implementation of national health programmes and evaluating their achievements.
Promoting providing and supervising all types of health services in the state such as primary health services; school health services; family planning services; MCH; occupational health services etc.
Collection of vital statistics.
Encouraging reproductive and child health (Family welfare. maternal health etc.)
Improvement of nutrition programme and Controlling food adulteration and also sanitation in milk and edibles.
Medical and nursing education, training of nurses, female health workers and other health workers.
Controlling rural and urban health services through district medical officer.
Providing feedback to the state health ministry regarding health.
Following the directives of union ministry of health/state health ministry.
District level Health Care Administration
District - An Administrative unit Defined Geographical boundary and Population. Within each district again, there are 6 types of administrative areas - Sub – divisions, Tehsils (Talukas), Community Development Blocks, Municipalities and Corporations (urban area), Panchayats (Villages)
District is Peripheral most Planning unit
It is a self-contained segment of National Health System
Middle level management organisation
The principal unit of administration in India is the district under a Collector.
It is a link between the State/ regional structure on one side and the peripheral level structures such as PHC/ Sub-Centre on the other side.

Chief Medical and Health Officer (CM & HO)
Chief Medical and Health Officer - CM & HO is a Director of health and family welfare service at the district in rural area and are overall in-charge of the health and family welfare programmes in the rural area. CM&HO is assisted by Dy. CMO, rhc officer and programme officers. Dy. CMO and rhc officer are assisted by Block CMOs.
Principle Medical Officer (PMO)
Principle Medical Officer – PMO is a Director of health and family welfare service at the district in urban area and is overall in-charge of the health and family welfare programmes in urban area.
Functions of District Health System
Liaison between Field units & Headquarter
Field reports
Implementation of Policy & Programs
District level planning & Action Plans
Rationale use of Finance & Resources
Communication Management
Control & Monitoring
community level Health Care Administration

Population Norms
Plain Area
Hilly/Tribal/Difficult Area
Community health Centre (CHC) has been established for every 80,000 to 120,000 population and this centre provides the basic specialty services in general medicine, Pediatric, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology.
Functions of Chc
Care of Routine and emergency cases in medicine
Care of Routine and emergency cases in surgery.
24 hour delivery services, including normal and assisted deliveries.
Essential and emergency obstetric care
FP services including laparoscopic services
New born care
Routine and emergency care of sick children
Other management including nasal packing, tracheotomy, foreign body removal etc.
All the national health programmes (NHP) should be delivered through the CHC.
Blood Storage Facility
Essential laboratory Services
Referral Services
Staffing Pattern at CHC
Existing Clinical manpower
General Surgeon 1
Physician 1
Obstetrician/ Gynecologist 1
Pediatrician 1
Existing Support Manpower
Nurse- Mid wife 7+2
Dresser 1
Pharmacist/ Compounder 1
Lab technician 1
Radiographer 1
Ophthalmic assistant 1
Ward boy/ nursing orderly 2
Sweepers 2
Chownkidar 1
OPD attendant 1
Data Entry Operator 5
OT attendant 1
Registration Clerk 1
Primary health centre level
At present there is one primary health centre covering about 30,000 (20,000 in hilly, desert and difficult terrains) or more population. Many rural dispensaries have been upgraded to create these PHCs. The bed strength of Primary health centre is 6. (but can be raised up to 10)
Functions of Phc
Medical Care
MCH including Family Planning
Safe water supply and basic sanitation
Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases.
Collection and reporting of vital statistics.
Education about health
National health programmes as relevant
Referral services
Training of health guides, health workers local dais and health assistants.
Basic laboratory services.
Staffing Pattern of PHC
Medical Officer 1
Pharmacist 1
Nurse Mid-wife 1
Health Worker (female)/ANM 1
Block Extension Educator 1
Health Assistant (Male) 1
Health Assistant (Female) 1
U.D.C (Upper Division clerk) 1
L.D.C (Lower Division Clerk) 1
Lab. Technician 1
Driver 1
Class IV 4
Total 15
Sub – Centre Level
The sub center is the peripheral outpost of exiting health care delivery system in rural areas. it provides interface with community at the grass root level ,providing all the primary health services. one sub-centre for every 5000 population in general and one for every 3000 population in hilly, tribal and backward areas. Each sub – centre is manned by one male and one female multipurpose health worker.
Functions of Sub- Centre
Mother and child health care
Family planning and immunization
It is proposed to extend the facilities at all sub- centers for IUD insertion, and simple laboratory investigation like routine examination of urine for albumin and sugar.
The work at sub-centers is supervised by male and female health assistants.
According to the revised norm, one female HA will supervise the work of 6 female Health Workers.
Staffing Pattern of Sub- Centre
Health Worker (Female)/ ANM 1
Health Worker (Male) 1
Voluntary Worker 1
Total 3
Health care services in general are rendered by the government through a network of health centres from the grassroots areas to the block level in the rural areas and through hospitals, dispensaries, maternal, child health and family welfare centers in the urban areas. The hospitals in the sub divisional, Talukas level, district level etc. provide referral services to the infrastructure in the rural area.
There are also voluntary and private agencies which are functioning to deal with the health problems of people. The delivery system is-
Public or Govt. sector
Public sector is govt. sponsored system. It is funded by the public funds which are generated through general taxes. The services are rendered to the people at large in rural and urban areas by three tier system developed at the block level, district and state level.
Rural Health service
The health services in the rural areas are rendered through a network of infrastructure developed from within the village and in continuum up to block level. The major emphasis is on promotive and preventive health care services and comprises primary health care.
At the village level, elementary services are rendered by trained village health guides, birth attendants (local Dias) and anganwari workers. They belong to the village they serve and are non-governmental functionaries. They are included in the health care delivery system to promote and encourage community participation and to have a link between the community and the health functionaries.
The village health guide provide simple treatment for common minor ailments, first aid during accidents and emergency, care to mother and children including family planning, health education etc.

The trained birth attendants work under the supervision and guidance of female health worker and provide personal and skillful care during prenatal period, give health education on child care, immunization, nutrition, and family planning.
Anganwari workers work in Anganwaries and carry on the responsibility of health check-ups, supplementary nutrition, immunization, non-formal education of children enrolled in Anganwardi. They coordinate with the ANMs in their areas for some of the functions eg. Immunization and health check-up of children. Each one serves a population of 1000 in the village.
The continuum of health centres which provide primary health care services include subcentres, primary health centres and community health centres. The sub centre serve a population of 5000 in plain area and 3000 in hilly, tribal and backward areas. The limited primary health care services which are provided from sub centres include; maternal and child health, family planning, prevention and control of communicable diseases, treatment of minor ailments, record of vital events, emergency care, maintenance of record and reports, supervision and training of dais and village health guides. The services are rendered by ANMs i.e. health workers (F) and health worker (M) under the supervision and guidance of health supervisor (F and M) respectively.
Urban Health Services
The services in the urban areas are rendered through district hospitals and medical college hospitals. There are also hospitals and institutes of higher education and research which are under Central Govt. and provide general as well as referral services. In addition to these hospital services, there are maternal and child health , family welfare centers, family planning clinics, dispensaries, maternity homes, community hospitals run by local Govt. to provide specific primary level services to defined population.
Health insurance system
In India health insurance system is restricted to factory/industrial workers and their families and central govt. employees and their families. They are covered by 2 different very well organized health insurance schemes. This are-
Employees State Insurance - The ESI scheme was started under the parliament Act in 1948 to provide medical benefits in kind and cash during sickness, employment injury, maternity etc. the scheme is based on the contributions from the employer, employees and the government.
Central Govt. Health scheme - This scheme is for the Central Government Employers. To start with it was introduced in Delhi in 1954 to provide comprehensive health care to central govt. employees. Gradually it was extended to other cities not only to central govt. employees and their family members but also other autonomous organizations employees, members of parliament, retired central govt. servants, widow receiving family pensions, Governors and retired judges.The scheme is on the cooperative efforts and contribution basis from the employees and employer for their mutual benefits. The services are given through a network of dispensaries, governmental hospitals, and identified private specialized hospitals in various systems of medicine.The CGHS provides outdoor, domiciliary, indoor, specialists consultations, emergency, maternal and child welfare and family welfare services. It also supplies optical and dental aids at reasonable rates.
Other Agencies - Railway Hospitals & Military Hospitals
The services to these people and their families are rendered by specially organized armed forces medical services and railways health services respectively. Comprehensive preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services are rendered through specially organized health units, clinics, hospitals etc.
Indigenous system of medicine [AYUSH]
The indigenous systems of medicine form an important part of public system of health care delivery in both rural and urban areas. Services are rendered through out-patient departments, dispensaries and hospitals.
National health programme
In addition to various levels of health care services through public system, the govt. of India has put in lot of efforts to deal with various health problems at the national level. These problems are related to communicable and non- communicable diseases, environmental sanitation problem, nutritional problems, population problems etc.
The govt. of India through its ministry of health and family welfare have launched ongoing various national health programmes in successive five year plans since independence. The technical and material assistance have also been obtained by various international and bilateral agencies in planning and implementation of these programmes. These organizations include WHO, UNICEF, Word bank, UNFPA, DANIDA etc.
Voluntary health agencies
There are varieties of non- governmental organizations which are voluntary in nature and contribute tremendously in furthering the public health by providing health services, or health education, by advancing research etc.
The NGOs complement and supplement role of govt. agencies. There are also "not for profit" voluntary hospitals which generate funds to sustain and provide charitable services e.g. Holy Familya Hospital.
Private sector
Like voluntary health sector, the private health sector also occupies an important place in health care delivery system in the country. There has been extensive growth in the private owned facilities since independence but more so during the last decade, there has been significant increase in the number of medical practitioners. They range from herbal and witch doctors to modern unqualified or quasiqualified "quacks" to qualified practitioners of different system of medicine, many of whom also indulge in quackery.
The different system of medicine includes Allopathy or Modern Medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani And Siddha. Apart from these, there are other like Yoga, Naturopathy and Chiropractice. There are large numbers of practitioners who have not qualified in any of the recognized systems. It is this diversity and complexity which is in part responsible for lack of regulation and quality control in private practice.
Further, those who are qualified in modern medicine tend to locate themselves in urban areas and all others are equally locate themselves in urban areas and all others are equally located in urban and rural areas. There are three times more allopathic in urban than in rural areas.
There has been increase in the number of private hospitals including those owed by the voluntary agencies. The private consultants are attached to these hospitals. They participate in the services organized by the hospital as well as they have their own private OPD/clinics and cases in hospital. The fee which is charged for the services varies depending upon the level, standard, popularity etc. of the hospital; consultant; locality etc. there is no uniform pattern and there is no control over this. The system is beyond the reach of even an average middle class family. It is not an organized system of providing health care services. Efforts are being put into maintain the standards through legislation related to nursing homes and hospitals and consumer protection act.
The various diagnostic facilities are on the increase to assist in making diagnosis but these are very expensive and often exploited liberally. The govt. is putting in efforts to involve Medical Council of India and Indian Medical Association to regulate the system etc.
Medical tourism is one of the major external drivers of growth of the Indian healthcare sector. This is a developing concept whereby people from world over visit India for their medical and relaxation needs. Most common treatments are heart surgery, joint replacement, orthopedic surgery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, transplants, urology, cosmetic surgery and dental care. Hospitals groups like The Global Hospitals Group, MIOT Hospitals, Fortis Healthcare, Apollo hospitals, Max Hospitals, Dharamshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre have increased their presence in international market for medical tourism.
In the current rapidly changing healthcare scenario the magnitude of the problem associated with healthcare delivery is enormous and extremely dynamic. However, present day technology has the solution for this problem. User-friendly equipment with compatibility to integrate technologies like telemedicine makes the solution simpler.
Telemedicine system is growing rapidly in India, nearing 700 million rural populations of India will benefit enormously from digital data transmission related to healthcare. Both public and private entities are aggressively pursuing the use of telemedicine to hasten diagnostics and treatment of a variety of diseases. Private hospitals such as Apollo Hospital Group, Escorts Heart Institute and Fortis Healthcare are provide these services in India.
Challenges in health system
Manpower- Number & Norms
Rural / Urban differential
Geographical divide across States
S-E groups –accessibility/ reach
Gaps between Policy & Action
Health sector expenditure
Newer Infections
Role of nurse in health care delivery system
Sensitive Observer
Educator Manager
Controller And
K.park 'textbook of preventive and social medicine 'published by Banarsidas .Bhanot edition 2009,p765-775
J.kishore 'national health programs of India' published by century publications edition 2010 pp 63 to 69..
TNAI; Textbook of manual of community health,(3):141-143.
J.kishore;national health programs of india;7 ed;2007:58-61.
George S.Health care delivery system; science research network.2005(5):19-21.
Diwakar care delivery system in India. The Heinz school review.2006;3(2):34-36.
Madura G. India launches national rural health mission. British medical journal. 2005;4(3):33-35.
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ReplyDeleteASUS has created a wide variety of wireless routers available to its users across the globe. They are suitable for a variety of uses whether at your home or in the office. ASUS routers are reliable regardless of workplace environment and requirements. ASUS Wireless Router uses a web-based user interface that permits users to set up the router using any internet browser, like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome. Based on your network configuration requirements, you are able to opt for one of a number of router brands. ASUS routers are extremely reliable and have an user-friendly interface. Users are able to easily comprehend and use their router console and settings using only a few clicks and basic technical skills. Asus is among the top choices to choose Virtual Private Network (VPN) routers. The majority of ASUS routers are equipped with built-in OpenVPN client that makes the setup simple. If you're new to using an ASUS router, it is important to be aware of the process for logging into the router. In this article, we'll look at how to locate and modify the default password for Asus router's default password.
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ReplyDeleteHP Printers is a striking feature that is attracting increasing attention. However, HP Printing Password has its own problems. You can read this blog for more information if you are stuck. It is important to read and follow these instructions in order to discover the default HP Printer printer password. To learn more, take a look below at the steps.
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Because of the features of Spectrum Email, you may stream videos, play online games, download music, and submit images without sacrificing performance.
ReplyDeleteAll of this is made possible through Spectrum Internet.
The following are some characteristics of the spectrum Internet.
Spectrum Email For no additional price, you can create a Spectrum email account and up to seven email addresses.
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Read on to find out what you can do with your email inbox at Spectrum:
You can send, read, and take care of your email.
You can use a keyword to search and do an Advanced Search.
You can also compose email messages.
There are also extra actions, such as reply, reply all, forward, move, and delete.
Contacts: You can make, change, and take care of your list of contacts.
You can add a contact
To keep track of your contacts, you can make a group.
You can sort contacts by either their first or last name.
Contacts can also be imported and exported:
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